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The Killing Moon (Book 1)

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The Big Questions:

  • What genre is this in? Fantasy

  • Are there any swoon-worthy characters? None

  • Is it spicy? Fade to black

  • Is it violent or gory? Hand to hand combat, but not overly gory

  • Should I buy, borrow, or pass on this book? Borrow it!

Review: In a world where dreams are the source of magic and purity is paramount, corruption cannot be tolerated. I was enraptured by the rich, deep, and unique world building of Gujaareh. It’s society revolves around the worship of their moon goddess and her disciples protect the peace of Gujaareh, sometimes at all costs. The characters of Ehiru, Nijiri, and Sunandi are complex and fully fleshed out with their roles in religion and politics, their beautiful stories, and varying motives. Corruption, greed, and megalomania threaten to destroy the peace of Gujaareh and they all have different methods and pieces of the puzzle to save it. The plot is action-packed with many twists and turns, so much political intrigue, and religious tension. The relationships between the main characters bring out the best and worst in all of them, pushing their personal definitions of love and sacrifice. The book is perfect stand-alone, but there is a sequel if you want to spend more time in this amazing world.