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Thoughts as I Read: A Sky Beyond the Storm


  • Just read recaps of all the books and I am not ready.

  • That dedication was so brutal and sweet

Part I: Waking

  • We’re starting with the Nightbringer, okay okay. I love a complicated villain.

  • Oh the voice of the Nightbringer is enticing, tortured and tired, but so full of conviction. Serious Thanos vibes. 

  • Right, I forgot he loved Laia.

  • Hold up, Laia isn’t fully human? I have no memory of this.

  • Helena and Laia bantering about knives soooo cute

  • I want Elias back, too, Laia.

  • This plan is going to go south real quick.

  • The Commandant is seriously one of the most terrifying villains I have ever encountered.

  • So Elias is an emotionless and attachmentless Jedi now, huh.

  • He doesn’t remember his past!

  • The armlet! Laia’s armlet! Please remember, Elias!!

  • Please, please, please, let this be foreshadowing to Elias being released by Mauth.

  • Augurs are never a good sign in any story.

  • This prophecy better not be the order in which they die.

  • Aw, these moments between Laia and Helene are so wonderful. I would not have expected that when I read the first book years ago.

  • Of course we couldn’t leave them at peace for even a moment.

  • Oh this is torture, poor Laia, I couldn’t do it.

Part II The Reaping

  • Helene is BLOODY. She knows just what to do with that arm.

  • Loyal to the end!

  • Faris, NOOOOO!!!!!!!

  • Keris is legit terrifying

  • No, don’t walk away, Soul Catcher! Embrace her! Kiss her! UGHJHHHHHH

  • Spiro’s back!

  • Is Elias the “heir of death”? Cuz I hate this.

  • I’m getting teary over a villain’s death. That’s writing talent.

  • You just had to fall in love with such a stubborn man, Laia.

  • I never get tired of reading descriptions of Helene killing people.

  • She’s got a jinn inside of here?!?!?!?!

  • It’s the Nightbringer’s wife?!?!?!?!?

  • I can’t with Laia and the Nightbringer still having lingering feelings for each other

  • Imperator Invictus!

  • FINALLY Helene admits her feelings for Harper

Part III: The Jinn Queen

  • Meherya means Beloved. Mauth can love?

  • Dude, stop abandoning her!

  • Elias and Laia flirting is killing me.

  • Oh Empress Livia’s got fangs. Put that man in his place!

  • Oh please, please, please, give the Blood Shrike a reason to slit your throat

  • Musa laying down some hard truths! Do something, Helene!

  • Oh this is getting spicy.

  • Really spicy.

  • UGH this is killing me.

  • Woah, the efrits are joining the humans. I love the name Rowan, by the way.

  • “Why are you here, Blood Shrike?” Harper is saying this practically naked.

  • She’s letting her hair down for him!

  • Girl, get some! Freaking finally!

  • Hahahahaha, Helene, EVERYONE KNOWS

  • Elias, you whipped boy.

  • OMG, Livia no!!!!!

  • Keris is forreal just running circles around all of them.

  • I cannot with these spineless generals talking down to Musa, where TF were you during the Battle of Antium?

  • Quin Veturias is really trying to make up for raising a helion, but he’s not wrong. Helene should be named Regent

  • Make the vow, Blood Shrike!

  • “You are broken. But it is the broken things that are the sharpest. The deadliest.”

  • If Helene keeps walking away from Harper, at some point, he’s gonna stop following.

  • I would have lost it by now if I was Laia.

  • Oh Musa.

  • “And that is why you must rise. To protect all the lovers and bakers, the mothers and fathers, the sons and daughters.”

  • Yes, Blood Shrike! All my babies are coming back together, but now I’m terrified even more for them.

Part IV: The Sher Jinnat

  • This battle is going to kill me, isn’t it?

  • These insights into the life of the Nightbringer are messing with my emotions

  • Wait, Karis has a heart for her son? SINCE WHEN

  • I miss cheeky Elias

  • Elias and Helene arguing like old times.

  • “There’s always a reason that something isn’t our fault”

  • “Sometimes, it is better to die than to live as a monster.”

  • “When it comes to you, I remember everything.” Elias, stop messing with my emotions!

  • FLIPPING FINALLY. This is the slowest of the slow burns, but they only get one night.

  • I hate these premonitions

  • “May death claim me first.” Oh Helene, no. Please don’t say that.

  • Umber has a point, they did their job and got no help when the humans turned on them.

  • Wait, STOP, Mauth failed? DEATH CAN FAIL!?!?!?!?


  • DARIN!!!!! Stop! This has to stop!


Part IV The Mothers



  • Okay, I’m calm again. Not really.

  • Oh thank, God. Elias isn’t dead.

  • Oh this is a Dumbledore at Kings Cross moment with his dad

  • “Always Victorious”

  • Oh a Keris, POV.

  • Mirra is alive!!!!! Take her down, Mirra!!!!

  • My heart is breaking? FOR KERIS?!?!?!

  • Nightbringer. Meherya. Beloved. And now, forsaken.

  • Remat’s name means mercy. This book. I can’t handle this.

  • Finally, some good news. Thank you, Mirra. Give Elias another chance at happiness after all he has done.

  • “You got there first, my love. I envy you so. For how will I endure without you?” OMG Helene.

  • Empress as a consolation prize? I guess.

  • Oh she’s going to be an Elizabeth I kinda queen. I get that.

Part VI The Tale

  • Oh my heart, we get a proper goodbye from Harper and Darin in the Waiting Place

  • Wow, I’m actually happy for Keris reverting to her child-self with her mother and crossing over

  • I still don’t know how I feel about Mauth

  • Musa is good for Helene. I approve of this.

  • Forgiveness is strength.

  • Oh this ending, my heart is so full.

Final Thoughts

This is probably the most emotionally charged book I have read all year. I already want to reread the entire series. My babies are, though broken and healing, alive and have a bright future ahead.