Thoughts as I Read: Star Daughter


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Alright, time for something light.

Part I

  • I am definitely not used to these names, but that’s good. Time to expand my mind.

  • I would love to have shiny-silvery hair for free

  • I’m craving Indian food right now, these parties are dope.

  • Girl, same. Aunties and uncles make everything a competition.

  • I already love Minal and Sheetal better take her with her.

  • Um, are you about to accidently explode and set the party on literal fire? Get that under control!?!?!?!??!

  • Yeah, that’s a problem, sis.

  • Dev is adorable with the cookie making and songwriting.

  • Oop. Maybe I’m wrong.

  • Oh no, Dev. I was rooting for you! (I’m still rooting for you, honestly) but yeah, being from a family of STAR HUNTERS is not going to go well with your half-star girlfriend.

  • Look, I get that parents have the hardest job in the world raising kids, but come on, painting the other parent as just straight abandoning their kid while keeping letters from them is abusive

  • Man, I miss night markets.

  • Ew, these harp sisters need to stop

  • A literal stairway to heaven, love it.

Part II

  • This is The Crown, but in Hindu heaven

  • Wait, let me get this straight. She was called to the celestial court for a talent competition? I don’t like that. Straight manipulative.

  • Yeah, I’d be pissed at my mom too.

  • These star people are like the Capitol people.

  • Her grandma and grandpa really gonna say, “win a competition (that you didn’t know about and is in three days) so our house can once again rule the heavens AND THEN we will save your dad” Like no pressure. And if you lose, you lose your dad. WTF. These people are horrible.

  • I’ve read far too many fanfics. Every time I see the phrase “felt something in her core,” my mind goes straight dirty.

  • DEV?!!!

  • Oh don’t you dare gaslight her.

  • Color organized bookshelves are my nightmare.

  • Rati is sus

  • Okay, I may have lost the plot here.

  • Look, Priyanka, I get the the chip on your shoulder, but jeez. Chill.

  • Move the plot along.

  • Move. The plot. Along.

  • Move.The.Plot.Along.

Part III

  • Um…there’s like 30 pages left. We are finally at the competition.

  • This seems both overly rushed and incredibly slow at the same time.

  • Dang Rati, throw the whole house under the bus.

  • Nice twist there, Sheetal.

  • I like Dev, but I dunno, this is too “Natural talent beats hard work” for me and I don’t care for it.

  • You know, I like the philosophical discourse at the end here, but I wish it was done throughout the story instead of kinda just dropped at the end.

Final Thoughts

  • This is a tough one. I like the premise and even the characters, but this plot wasn’t for me.

  • The ending, though hopeful and sweet, was quite underwhelming.

  • This one just wasn’t doing it for me.



Review: A Sky Beyond the Storm


Review: Star Daughter