Review: A Vow so Bold and Deadly


Premise: The return of Lilith spells doom for all in both Emberfall and Syl Shallow. While both sides are doing all they can to hold on to their precarious positions of power and at the same time preparing for war with each other, Lilith back to undermine them and once and for all, rule. Can newly crowned Lia Mara keep hold of the throne? Will Rhen’s kingdom continue to divide itself between loyalty to him or Grey? Will peace ever reign or will brother be forced to kill brother?

Review: After a tumultuous and bloody two books full of tension, betrayal, and heartbreak, we come to the conclusion of this enchanting trilogy. What I thought was just another Beauty and the Beast retelling has taken so many unexpected twists and turns. I have grown to love the imperfect journeys of Harper, Rhen, Grey, Jake, Noah, Lia Mara and Nolla Verin. They all made mistakes, brought about so much death and destruction, but ultimately learned from them. The story of our far-flung characters comes to a bloody, deadly, and tension-filled conclusion. All four POVs (Grey, Harper, Lia Mara, Rhen) are included. In terms of spice, there is a ton of sexual tension, but this is strictly PG-13. I forgot how many times I audibly gasped while reading. It is absolutely fun and fulfilling.


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Review: Lore