Review: Aurora’s End


For fans of: Found families, Star Trek, sci-fi, apocalypse, time travel, ancient aliens, hive mind

Synopsis: Aurora Legionnaire Squad 312 is done. Split apart, thrown across the galaxy, everyone assumes everyone else is dead and the Ra’haam is ready to strike and spread. Scarlett, Zila, and Fin have been flung into the past where they are stuck in a time loop, dying over and over again unless they figure out what is causing the loop. Flung into a dark and hopeless future, Aurora and Kal must find a way home and prevent the future. Stuck in the present, surrounded by enemies, and plagued by prophetic dreams, Tyler races back to Aurora Legion to stop the Ra’haam alone. Split into seven POV’s across the galaxy and time, our disbanded misfits race towards saving the galaxy alone together.

Review: As a sucker for the found family trope, this entire series is right up my alley and I have loved every moment from each POV since book one. The talent of balancing POVs, creating wonderful character moments, and navigating this complex plot is unmatched. The writing, chemistry, and absolute love of these characters and this story is felt in every word. This book left me in bits several times on my commute home with how much these characters love each other and will do anything for each other beyond time and space. I am so happy to be closing out the year with this final installment as one of my last books to read. I already feel the need for a binge read of the entire adventure. I miss them already.


2022 TBR


Review: House of Hollow