Thoughts as I Read: Piranesi

Major Spoilers Ahead

Part 1: Piranesi

  • Do I like journal-style novels? I don’t know.

  • I feel like I’m reading a 19th century explorer’s journal

  • This is definitely a white guy’s perspective

  • Maybe I should have read the synopsis a bit more clearly before I started this

  • Oh finally, a description of this bizarre setting

  • There’s only two people in this entire world. But there’s skeletons also. I bet the Other killed all those people before Piranesi arrived.

Part 2: The Other

  • The Other is hella sus

  • Piranesi is incredibly sweet.

  • Giant albatross, okay I’ll go with it

  • The other birds being silent are freaking me out

  • The birds are sending him messages. Is he crazy?

  • Is Piranesi a savant?

  • Where is the Other getting all this stuff? Modern stuff. He’s able to leave, but chooses to keep Piranesi here. Was Piranesi kidnapped and placed here?

  • Wait, there are other people!

  • I have a feeling this is some sick experiment

Part 3: The Prophet

  • New person! Another old dude, though. We got enough of those.

  • So other people can visit this dimension and can leave, but he’s just messing with Piranesi.

  • Hm, this book seems rather anti-progressive. I don’t like it.

  • Someone has a past, meaning Piranesi. He isn’t originally from the House.

  • Is this some sort of “World Between Worlds” setting? Ben Solo wandering around the House somewhere?

  • Dude, what is this book about?

Part 4: 16

  • So indexing journals is a thing?

  • I bet 16 is a woman.

  • Man, the 70s was a wild time with occultists and getting to other planes of existence

Part 5: Valentine Ketterly

  • Hold up, he only got a few years in prison for imprisoning another person? He’s a psychopath and they let him back into society?

  • Did Piranesi take out pages from his own journals to keep future him from figuring things out about Ketterly? Things must have gotten really bad to do that.

  • Oh dang, Piranesi was a journalist and the House robbed him of his memory. But who ripped out the pages?

Part 6: Wave

  • Freaking finally, Piranesi. The Other is NOT your friend!

  • Do I really need to know all these details about Piranesi’s preparation for the flood?

  • Well this confrontation is awkward.

  • 16 is a woman! Knew it. And a cop? Didn’t see that one coming. How did she get in?

  • Ketterly should have listened.

  • He’s not going to stay in the House is he?

Part 7: Matthew Rose Sorenson

  • Oh good, he left.

  • Wait, so now he’s three different people? He was Matthew Rose Sorenson, but he’s just laying dormant. He was Piranesi, but Piranesi has no place in our world so he’s also laying dormant. Well who is he now?

  • He needs a therapist.

  • Wait, that’s it?!?!?!? What kind of ending is that!?!?!?! This is why I am so wary of adult fiction.

Final Thoughts:

Yeah this is not for me. I don’t know if its too cerebral or I just don’t appreciate literature or what, but I am not a fan.


Review: Among the Beasts and Briars


Review: Piranesi